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Neil Marcello Sash
My Background

Hi and welcome to portfolio site. My name is Neil Marcello Sashidharan (or Sash if you’re into the whole brevity thing). I was born in Bombay, India, and spent part of my childhood in Dubai, where I witnessed a barren desert transform into a thriving oasis. This sparked my passion for modern design and architecture, leading me to move to the U.S. in 1994 to study conceptual design and urban architecture at Indiana State University.

From 1998 to 2010, I worked in Chicago’s IT industry while immersing myself in the city’s rich art scene and diverse culture. This period fueled my growing interest in photography, shifting my perspective from a casual observer to a dedicated photographic artist. In 2010, I made the decision to leave my IT career to fully pursue my creative vision, exploring cities like Vancouver, Bombay, and Los Angeles, and developing a body of work that defined my style.

In 2013, I moved to Philadelphia to continue building on my artistic journey. This led to projects like Sweet Tooth and Toy Stories, along with writing for The Artblog, a prominent online art publication in Philadelphia.

In 2020, I decided to take a break from producing photography projects to focus on a new career path and personal growth. However, my work remains deeply rooted in capturing the unique beauty of human creations, that reflect on the inspiring and challenging aspects of our progress and place in the world.

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